Friday, April 27, 2012

The end in the beginning

I have finely ditched my home of seven years; wonderful glorious New Orleans, and made my move to Italy. Well... almost. May 8 is the date and it is quickly approaching!

About 5 months ago I had a glorious epiphany: I was a 25 year old college grad working at a dead-end job in New Orleans. Granted, there is nowhere in the U.S. I would rather be working a dead end job (or a real super awesome job for that matter). New Orleans is incredible. Indescribable. I love her with every fiber of my being. BUT, though I could pay my bills, live fairly comfortably, and party every night with my amazing friends (I know, I know what a fairytale, poor me) my life was unfulfilled. I had no direction in life, I had/have no idea what I actually want to do in terms of a career, and I had never traveled outside of the U.S.

Cue amazingly generous super awesome close friend from Italy. Yup lucky me! My junior year of college I was lucky enough to befriend one of the coolest people ever! I suppose in this blog I will call her La. La was an exchange student from Milan and over the last 4 years has traveled back to NOLA and spent many a happy summer day lounging with me and my various dogs on the porch drinking beer and soaking up the 98% humidity (god I miss New Orleans). Anyway, La is wonderful and graciously allowed me to crash in her apartment outside of Milan for 4 months! Now don’t worry I don’t plan on over staying my welcome, I have many travel adventures planned.

                                                                        (Me and La)

Part one of my plan was complete! Now phase two.

One gorgeous December day in New Orleans I was sitting on my porch with one of my besties, Tammy and we were discussing the usual... what should we do with our lives. We both love to travel and Tammy had spent a number of years in Central America a few years back. Long semi drunk conversation short; we settled on teaching English abroad. You know, easy way to travel, make money, and once again, put off the real world. That night we both signed up to get certified with and $900 and 2 months later we were certified! About a week after our class completion I gave my 4 week notice at the dead-ender, hosted my parents for one last NOLA vacation hurrah, and began to sell off all of my worldly possessions... and pay off my credit card bill :/
(Me and my Dad smokin some cigars on the New Orleans porch)

After my last 2, incredibly stressful, weeks in NOLA I was off to see my beeeeest friend in the whole world and her family in Longboat Key. I had a wonderful week with Lolo and the fam then made my way up to Boston to visit with my old college roomie for a few days. Then came the weekend and I was off again to New Hampshire for my little cousins wedding. Sunday night I was back home at my parents’ house in Maine and very glad to sleep alone in a real bed. (Between moving, and traveling I hadn’t slept alone in a real bed in just over a month, though considering my future I guess I had better get used to that)

(Longboat Key!)

                  (On the bus with Pitts, Phil, and Phil in Boston!)

So as my life unfolds in Italy over the next 4 months and later as I transition into teaching in South Korea (assuming North Korea can keep its bombs to itself) I will try try try to keep this fairly updated; mostly for my family and friends, but also for those of you who are probably just reading this because it’s funny how absurd my spellling is ;)

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