Thursday, May 17, 2012

Como, Como, come on over to Menaggio!

Well today has been a fun filled event! I took the train from Milan to Como this morning, a beautiful hour long ride, and arrived on the bay by 1130ish. I will not even try to describe how this place looks cause it is soooooo amazing. Check out the pix, though they do it little justice.
Once in como and oriented I bought myself a ferry ticket for Menaggio for 230 and gave myself a little tour of the little inner town of Como. I bought lunch at a little market on the rotunda and ate in the waterfront park. Glorious.

After a few hours of exploring I hopped aboard my ferry and had a very scenic ride to menaggio.

I arrived at around 330 and had to kill time till 5 (when the hostel reopened from siesta) giving me a chance to explore the small coastal town. I found a great little bar (coffee bar) right on the water that offers free internet and delicious espresso. After my cafe break I headed back up the mountain and stopped at the local market to grab some food that would last without a fridge (tuna in a can, bread, tomatoes, and green apples) for my few days here. Once completed I headed up the hill to the hostel and got settled. I Immediately met 4 new friends, all of whom I can't remember their names, of course. A girl who left today from Australia, a guy from California, a guy from Canada, and an old dude from England. They had all been traveling for varied lengths of time and to all different countries, very interesting. We had dinner together and went out to get teramisu at a local bar. There are about 50 German high schoolers who have stopped at our hostile for the night, they are on some sort of school field trip and they are very noisy. They are supposed to leave at 5 am so i m sure they will be noisy then as well. Boo, we shall see how that goes. Tonight I am exhausted so I am headed to bed early to be up at 7 tomorrow for a hike.

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