Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rain, rain go away, I guess I'll go to Venice another day

Hike 2 in Menaggio was just just as wonderful as hike 1, if not better. Once I made it up to the pasture where the trails split I took a rout heading up hill. Like the day before I decided to take whichever trail looked most interesting when they split. I ended up going up and around and came out back at the other side of the pasture! I was quite surprised. The views were spectacular and I ended going up much higher than the day before. I got back into town around 3 and walked around the town until 5. After dinner we all (staff included) started a game of uno that lasted until 1230.

I got back to Cassano on Friday afternoon around 5 and spent the weekend lazing around with La and Luca. On Sunday I started to plan my next adventure which was supposed to a 2 1/2-3 week trip to Venice, Florence, Pisa, then beach time meeting up with La and Luca. Unfortunately the weather looked to be less than appealing, rain, rain, and more rain for just about 3 weeks in the entire region. What to do, what to do? Sicily! Southern Italy sounded like the perfect solution so I bought a ticket, booked a hostel and today Wednesday I am off! I am flying into Catania Sicily, its a wonderful coastal city right in the shadow of Mt. Etna, about halfway down the eastern coast of the island. I have my hostel booked there from wed to Monday, then I plan to head up to Taormina, a beautiful area known for its beaches. After that I'm going to head over to Stromboli, a very active volcanic island.

Beyond that I am open to suggestions as to where to go what to do!

1 comment:

  1. Omg! A volcano! Are you asking for it? As I said "stay away from natural disaster areas. Hurricanes,earthquakes, now volcanoes. Oi Vey!
