Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fishing with my favorite Italian

Today Bartolino and I went fishing. We left the harbor at about 6am and headed out to open water between Salina and Stromboli so we had a great view of Filicudi, Alicudi, Stromboli, Panarea, and Lipari, and of course Salina, all we were missing was Vulcano which rests behind Lipari.
This is Bartolinos little boat that he built
We were out just in time for the sunrise.
We fished and swam until about 130, 2 pm and headed back in with our catch. 2 of which were very rare and very expensive scorpion fish.
Scorpion numero uno
Scorpion due
Some of our other catch
Swimming in the sea so far from land was weird. The water is so clear and so blue that you can see every freckle on your feet 7 feet down, but so deep  you can’t see the bottom; it’s a little disconcerting and you almost feel like your floating in space.

 Bartolino let me drive all the way home, while he sunbathed on the cooler!

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