Saturday, September 29, 2012

Someone loves me!!!

Lolo arrived via Catania airport to milazzo where I met her to catch the ferry back to salina. Unfortunately her bus was running 5 min late and we missed the ferry and had to wait almost 4 hours for the next one. Thank god for booze. 6 hours later we arrived in salina! We loaded our luggage into Brunas car and walked up to the house to make dinner and go to bed!

On Saturday after sleeping in I took Lo to my fav swimming hole and we snorkeled,

sunbathed and read for a few hours

 before heading over to lingua where we had pane cunzato for lunch.

Then off for some more snorkeling, lingua was sporting a pretty strong current that day so it was good exercise! I had to work around 4 so we got the bus back to Santa Marina and hiked up the hill to the house.

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