Monday, September 24, 2012


We arrived in Naples early in the morning. It was beautiful floating into the harbor with Vesuvius looming in the background.  We checked into our hotel and realized that all of the tours for Pompeii had just left. We decided to hangout in Naples and go to the national museum. Where we stared at a lot of really old stuff.
On the way we found a really old church with the doors open and some creepy music playing so we decided to check it out. Lets just say super. creepy. We snuck into the basement and this is what we found... old toilets?
 Stuff from the museum

Absolutly amazing mosaics found in Pompei and surrounding burried towns

 With a slightly sexual theme...

The next day we took a train to Pompeii and toured it ourselves. It was massive! And hot.
 Super awesome bodies

 What remains
 You can almost see how beautiful it would have been to live in a ginormo villa

 The smaller of the 2 ampitheaters

Mid afternoon we couldn’t  (I couldnt) take anymore heat and direct sunlight and caught the train
back to Naples, where we grabbed our luggage and jumped a train to Rome.

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