Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2 buses & a ferry

Well today was pretty much a wasted day. I mistakenly thought there was more than one ferry leaving from Amalfi to Capri. Wrong. For all who care the ferry to Capri leaves at 9:30am. Thats it. So after arriving in Amalfi at sayyyyy around noon I grabbed a panino & gelato and waited for the bus to sorrento that left around 1:30.

Waiting for the bus in Agerola...
Waiting for the bus in Amalfi...

Its only about an hour and 45 min to sorrento where the ferry to Capri usually leaves every hour... FOUR AND A HALF hours later I arrived in the center of Sorrento.

The winding roads on the coast are terrifying and just as I was letting go and beginning to trust these bus drivers we pass a 3 car pile up. On a cliff. Like literally there is a thin metal tube for a guard rail and then Nothing. But. Air. (also there was a child vomiting in a bag next to me for the ENTIRE TRIP) Fortunately no one was seriously injured. We were stuck in stand still traffic for 2 hours so some of the passengers walked up the hill to see what was going on and they got the lowdown. Lucky for me my understanding of italian is coming back and I got the scoop when they told the driver what was going on. After that little excitement we were on our way (by the way that was when the child first started his endless tirade of vomit, first in his shirt then thankfully in a bag of what were once cookies. I get carsick so I couldn’t really blame him. Dramamine is a life saver in Italy. No joke)

Views from the road.

  We finally arrived in Sorrento around 5pm. I walked down the hundred or so steps to the port and patiently waited (beer was involved) for my 7:30pm ferry to Capri. 

The ferry ride was uneventful. It was dark by the time we arrived to Capri. (looks a lot like Rinella at night) I had to run to catch the last bus (8pm)to Anacapri, thankfully it left 5 min late and I was able to catch it. I got off at the 'blue cave bar' and managed by some miracle to find my way to the hotel. Seriously, a miracle. The directions I had were to “go down the main road until you find the right side of Via Padre Reginaldo Giuliani. Don’t go up stairs. Find Via Vagna then find Via Traversa Vagna. Hotel is 14.” It was dark and empty and was about a 15 minute walk.

This is the photo I took on my phone of the screen shot of the map to the hotel... I will tell you from experience... this is not how the streets are laid out.

And I didn’t even get lost. (if you couldn’t tell, I am very proud of myself) so I arrived, dropped my stuff and again ventured out (must be intuition) and found my way up to the center of Anacapri to grab some dinner. I found a small family restaurant set back down a little ally and had some delicious wine, fettuccine and rabbit. Then I went home and went to bed!

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